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Get Involved

Love your

When your gift of time, a meal, supplies, or goods intersects with the real needs of the members of the Roseland community, you not only impact your neighbor, but you also help to make God’s kingdom real in Roseland. Ready to lend a hand? We encourage you to find your space and calling in the programs below.

Our programs are possible because of volunteers like you. You keep us organized, stocked, and staffed. You help us to build a community that is safe, healthy, and well fed. You enter in, and all of our lives are impacted. We thank you.



The Center

Our current ask is for supplies that provide for the basic needs of our community members. Please consider donating hygiene kits that include feminine care products, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, combs, chapstick, and Kleenex.

Lunch Program

Every Monday-Friday, 50-70 people gather to share a free warm lunch at Roseland. Volunteers are needed to provide the food, prepare the meal, and serve. We love volunteer groups, like families, small groups, MOPS, and youth groups. If preparing the meal, an easy-to-distribute meal is best, like spaghetti, chilli, soup, and tacos. You can either drop the meal off, or stay and serve.

Food Pantry

Food pantry volunteers help us keep the Roseland community fed. We need help with everything from giving out food to packing boxes to processing guest IDs. Come once or on a weekly basis. The food pantry is open Thursdays 9 am-11 am.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp volunteers help us run our one-month program. We value volunteers who act as camp counselors (teens and adults), chaperones for field trips, and people to prepare and serve lunch. We appreciate lunch, supply, and monetary donations.

Women & Children's Shelter

Up to 11 mothers and their children live in our shelter. Volunteers are invited to make a meal—breakfast, lunch, or dinner—for the families. Either drop off, or stay and hang out and play games. Also, donations of towels and bedding are welcome.

Thrift Store

We love thrift store volunteers, who help keep us stocked and organized. Various tasks include sorting donations, unloading the donation truck, or driving to pick up donated items. The thrift store is located at 33 E 111th Place and open Thursdays & Fridays from 10:30 am-3:30 pm.

Let us know how you’d like to volunteer

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